There are thousands of trees in the liquid path

Trees in the liquid path

Trees in the liquid path

There are thousands of trees in the liquid path 🌳

Earth is the only planet in our solar system that has allowed countless colors of life to flourish. In maintaining the colors of all these colors, the role of thousands of shady, fruitful, and liquid trees has been unparalleled. , who have been providing many things to other living beings from every part of their body for centuries, and one of these things is different types of juices passing through their bodies.

Tree Sap

🌳 Tree Sap

All types of trees produce a very thin and semi-transparent sap or extract of an amber color, which is called sap. This thin sap is found in the two types of cells of the tree, the xylem and the phloem. These two plant cells transport the sap to all parts of the tree, which contains water and nutrients as well as hormones, sugar, and other important substances. are responsible for transporting minerals. In addition to water, phloem cell sap contains hormones, sugars, and other mineral components, and xylem sap contains water, mineral components, hormones, and other nutrients.

Trees use two kinds of thin sap. On the one hand, trees take water from the soil through their roots and transfer it to their trunks and then release the sap thus produced into the air through small pores or holes in their leaves called stomata. In this way, the trees move the sap filled in their leaves down to each part of them because their food has been included in this sap in the form of sugar, which is produced in the leaves as a result of the process of photosynthesis.

The thin sap of trees is mostly sweet and one is not crazy about sweetness, but some trees also have bitter and poisonous sap. Commercial use of the sweet, thin juice sap is also made. Maple syrup is made from the sweet sap of the maple tree and this syrup is extremely popular worldwide due to its refreshing sweetness. Canada supplies the world with 80% of its maple syrup produced from its own trees. Sugarcane or sugarcane is also filled with a large amount of sweet juice, which is processed in sugar mills to obtain molasses, from which sugar is prepared to sweeten everyone’s mouth. YouTube

 Natural tree rubber latex

🌳 Tree resin

From the trunk of certain trees like pine, fir, and cedar a viscous and dark colored thick and hard liquid is released which is the resin of the tree. It is different from the thin sap, which is usually thick, sticky, and hard, while sap from trees is thin, milky, or yellowish. Is. It is released and freezes on the outer surface of the tree when exposed to wind. When there is a cut or wound on the bark of the tree, the glue of the tree starts leaking out and dries and closes the cut area, thus the tree is cut. Protects itself from bacteria or infections at the site of infection.

Glue is made from the compounds collected in trees. Some glues have excellent chemical properties. That is why they are used at industrial and commercial levels. Some types of glue contain large amounts of resin acids. Different components in the glue are also separated from each other by chemical methods. A thick and sticky substance or glue Resin is commonly used in the manufacture of many types of products such as inks, varnishes, perfumes, and other commercial products. you read Trees in the liquid path

🌳 Natural tree rubber latex

Among the liquid substances released from the tree, a flexible substance is also called natural rubber or latex, which has a milky color and has different and unique properties from the thin liquid sap and glue resin of common trees. Most latex is obtained from the Brazilian tree hevea tree. Although the homeland of this tree is the discovery of Columbus in South America, now it is also found in large numbers in South East Asia. Rubber is made from its sap… Latex from trees Latex contains 30% natural rubber. Earlier, a component chicle was obtained from the same latex to make chewing gum, which, like the mind of a devotee, did not dissolve or bloom even when chewed from morning to evening.

Natural rubber or latex Latex is used in the manufacture of medical surgical gloves, flexible tubes of stethoscopes, elastic bandages, and other products.

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