Nail art

Nail art

Nail art, An essential component of women’s makeup

From thousands of years ago, men and women have been not only taking care of their hands and nails, but also inventing various products to make them more healthy and beautiful. Looking beautiful and charming, they are also considered a symbol of good and standard hygiene.
Today, both men and women have beautifully manicured nails. Therefore, now not only on the lips but also on the nails, art patterns are seen. This is the reason that along with the beauty, nail trimming and colorful nails match the dress. The use of polish is an essential part of women’s makeup. But while the makeup style also changes with every changing fashion, so does the style of nail decoration and texture.
If it is said that the style of nail decoration has changed completely in the last few years, then it will not be wrong. Now women pay more attention to nail polish than lipstick. This is a new record.
Now more shades of nail polish are available in the market than ever before and many shades have been introduced which were not used before. Social Media

nail design

These unique and exciting color shades are the first choice of young women these days and the love of applying them in new ways is considered a sign of taste and fashion. Different designs are made on the nails with nail polish and girls express their individuality by painting their nails in an artistic manner and this is the reason why this art is called nail art.
The custom of nail extensions or artificial nails applied on nails is very old, which women used to stick on their nails to satisfy their desire for long nails, but now nail wraps with various attractive designs are also available in the market.
The art of nail art was never as popular and important as it is now. It is interesting that this art started with small salons and then gradually it got the status of a regular business. went.
Thus, the nail art industry has gained importance and different types of nail art add to the attractiveness of the hands. Marble nail art is a method of making a design by dropping drops of nail polish on the upper surface of the water. is made and then this design is transferred to the nails. In free drawing geometric designs are made whereas in free dropping style round designs are made.
Apart from this, the beauty of the nails can also be enhanced by fresh fruit nail art, if you are a fashion lover and want to do something new, then try watermelon art on your nails. Sunrise nail art is also summer. This nail art is one of the trend, yellow and orange nail polish is used to apply this nail art to the nails.
Keeping the sun in mind, different types of beautiful nail art styles are arranged on the nails, which enhances the beauty of the nails. This trend has also proved to be a favorite for famous women from all over the world. Famous actresses, female singers, fashion models, and even sports celebrities have adopted nail art and it has gained popularity very quickly. READING IN URDU


Choose nail art according to personality and occasion

This fashion is popular among young girls but now women of all ages are seen doing their own nail art.
The nail art craze is in full swing these days. Girls are adding colors to their nails in a new way that looks very beautiful and interesting. This fashion from the West is popular among young girls but now it is popular among all ages. Women are seen doing their own nail art. Many beauty parlors offer nail art services. Designs are chosen depending on the occasion and the palace.
For example, if you want to go with friends, different designs, different if you want to go to a function, different for the office, and different if you have your own wedding. Even day and night nail art designs are preferred. Expert beauticians help women with what kind of nail art they should get. Here we will tell you to nail art designs for different occasions and personalities that you can easily create at home.

Working Women and Nail Art
Working women can also do nail art for meetings and formal events. There are designs for office-going women that are quick and easy to do. Glitter designs usually look like jewelry on the hands of office-going women. Of course, it will be good if the color of the nail polish is light for glitter nail art.
Like the nail art in the picture, a light almond color is used. The specialty of this nail art is that it will go with any color suit. Then just roll your glitter nail polish on the tip of the nails. In addition to brown color, light blue, white, and light brown colors can also be used.

Nail art on wedding
At a wedding, the bride’s dress and jewelry are heavy.
Therefore, the nail art will look better if it is light in color. These days anyway, light nail polish is in fashion among brides. On the wedding day, there is usually a red color paired with either red or work-color nails. The color will look good. Light pink, silver, and light purple can also be chosen on Valentine’s day. After applying nail polish, crystals, and pearls can be stuck on them in a fun way.
Use any nail glue that is easily available in the market to stick them.

Older women and nail art
Older women have the same right to look beautiful as teenage girls. Women can enhance their personalities even more by painting their nails in a beautiful way. Make the nails bigger and apply polish only on the part that is close to the skin. Don’t get attached.
After that, take white nail polish and make such designs on the nails with the help of a match or a thin brush. Nowadays, nail markers are also available in the market with which designs can be easily made. However, remember that nail polish Never shakes the bottle. After applying nail polish to the nails, air bubbles are often formed in them. To avoid them, gently hold the bottle in both palms and rotate it.

Nail cutting is an art
Well-trimmed nails not only look beautiful and attractive but are also considered a sign of good and standard hygiene.
Huma Ghaffar
From thousands of years ago, men and women have been not only taking care of their hands and nails but also inventing various products to make them more healthy and more beautiful. Not only do they look beautiful and attractive, but they are also considered a symbol of good and standard hygiene.
Today, both men and women have beautifully manicured nails. In this article, we are sharing a step-by-step recipe that you can use to make your nails beautiful and attractive at home.
Useful tips
Never shake the bottle of nail polish. After applying nail polish to the nails, air bubbles are often formed in them.
Nail clippers
Nail clippers are made of metal and are used to cut and shorten fingernails and toenails.
Cuticles nippers
These are also made of metal and with their help of them, the hang nails (hanging flesh of the edges) are trimmed and given a beautiful shape.
White stick
It is a white pencil used to whiten the underskin of ingrown nails.
Manicure Caesar
It is scissors and it is used to cut nail art items like silk and lens etc.
It is a fine tweezer that is used to pick up small objects.
Make nails strong and beautiful
Soft, clear hands and beautifully manicured nails attract the attention of onlookers and add to your charm.
Sarwat Yaqub, Lahore
To look beautiful, women take special care of their faces and try various tips to keep their faces fresh and fresh. Soft and smooth, transparent hands and beautifully trimmed nails attract the attention of the beholder and add to your charm.
So along with your face, you should also take special care of your hands so that your entire personality gives an attractive impression. While working in the house, women often complain that their nails break and some people are like this. There are those who have the habit of eating nails due to which nails do not grow and their growth is also affected.

The way to strengthen the nails is to dip them in lemon juice when the nails start to grow, this way the nails will be strong and will not break.
How to remove artificial nails?
Artificial nails are very difficult to remove. A very simple and easy way for this is to turn your hand’s upside down and put alcohol or petroleum between the artificial and natural nails and hold the edge of the artificial nail and take it off gently. If they start to crack, prepare one tola of boiling water and mix five tolas and two tolas of vinegar and honey respectively, and put it in a bottle and apply it on the nails, it will give beneficial results.
Soak your hard nails in gelatin (a sticky substance) for 15 minutes every day and the nails will become stronger.

For discolored nails
If you feel that the color of the nails is getting worse, then you should wash the nails with a spoonful of lemon juice mixed with warm buffalo milk in a cup of water. will go.
Drinking orange juice early in the morning makes the nails attractive. Garlic peel or lemon juice should be applied to make the nails shiny. It gives beneficial results.
Nail care
Massage a little warm oil around the nails and then clean them thoroughly so that no traces of grease remain. Then mix three spoons of oxide of hydrogen with one spoon of ammonia and apply the mixture to a piece of cotton. Apply on fingers and hands.
After two or three minutes, wash and dry your hands and apply lotion. You apply the first layer of nail polish from the root to the tip of the nails. When the polish is wet, keep the edges of the nails away from the blotting paper. The polish should be removed and not chipped. Apply the nail polish slightly away from the upper skin so that air cannot reach the nail root.
When the first layer of nail polish dries, apply the second layer in the same way. Dip in the orange stick remover and wipe off the excess polish. If your nails are more rounded, apply the nail polish in an oval shape. Apply. For the beauty of the nails, keep them clean to avoid germs, because when working inside the big nails, the scum accumulates, which leads to disease.

Nail polish and healthy nails

Neat and well-polished hands look beautiful too, but in this case, a little carelessness can prove to be the enemy of your nail health.
Most young girls, working women, and married women like nail polish very much, and they keep their nails decorated with nail polish all the time. At this time, they need to apply nail polish to match their clothes. Hands with neat and clean nail polish look beautiful too, but a little care in this matter can affect the health of your nails. The enemy can be proven.
Always insist on high quality while choosing nails. Be sure to apply a base coat on the nails before applying the nail polish. Because this base coat protects the nails from the chemicals in the nail polish and also keeps the nails healthy.

Use the best and quality nail polish remover when you remove the previous nail polish before applying another nail polish.

Also, after removing the nail polish, massage the nails with a good hand cream or whole olive oil and also massage the cuticles well. If possible, remove one nail polish before applying another nail polish. I must give a break one day so that the nails can breathe easily and keep their health in the natural environment.

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