The Neck Wants Attention

The Neck Wants Attention

The Neck Wants Attention

The Neck Wants Attention, The neck should be cleaned and protected, because if it is not cleaned and protected, it reveals the secret of age.
Nasreen Chahin
Women generally think of three parts as the axis of their beauty, i.e. face, hands, and feet. It is true that these parts must be beautiful, but they forget that between the face and the hands is the part of the body. An important part is a neck. It is important to clean and protect the neck because if it is not cleaned and protected, it reveals the secret of age.
A long, neat, clean, and clear neck is an important part of beauty. It is given a lot of importance in the world of beauty. The effect of aging is on our neck first, which we don’t even realize. A woman’s age is usually judged by her neck.

Neck care is often neglected, although it needs special attention, as its moisture dries up very quickly, causing wrinkles to appear on it.
If the neck is not taken care of properly, one day it becomes prone to breakage and women start to look older than their faces.
It is very important to take care of this delicate part of the body. In this regard, it is important to know whether the skin of the neck is different from the skin of the face. Actually, there is no difference between the two at the time of birth, but with the passage of time. Along comes a change in them.
If the neck is not properly protected it can lead to three defects which are listed below
The moisture-retaining layer of the neck is very weak and is not able to hold it back.
The cells that give color to the skin of the neck are greatly reduced.
Epidermis and dermis are two layers of skin that are very thin and therefore cannot prevent skin moisture from evaporating, so dehydration is a serious problem.

There is an Australian proverb that says, “A horse’s age is measured by his teeth, and a woman’s age by her neck.” If the beauty and health of the entire body are taken into account, the effects of aging are not obvious on the neck either. Or they appear very late. Our necks can also suffer from rash diseases. If there is an itchy effect on the neck, remove all jewelry and consult a skin specialist.
Also check that the shirt collar, label, fur, or nylon threads are not causing irritation or rashes on the skin. Go. Most of the time, round circles start to fall on the neck of women, because the skin of the neck is very thin and sensitive to external influences, such as sunlight or temperature changes.
Over time, the neck muscles lose elasticity and the elastic muscles begin to break down. Wrinkles appear first and become deeper with the movement of the neck. In addition, moisture loss from the skin increases. goes
Often women forget that the neck also needs cleaning, moisturizer, and other protection. The neck has to move more than the face, so women should do anti-wrinkle exercises and use the right beauty products. need to.

The Neck Wants Attention

Use moisturizers, night creams, and oils to protect your neck. Before using these products, cleanse your skin with a cleansing cream, mask, and alcohol-free toner.
There are special creams available in the market for the neck, which are more effective because they contain more active ingredients. On the neck skin, aging appears later than on the face, but when it does, it is much later. There is more. The Neck Wants Attention
Don’t neglect your neck in general and especially when applying makeup, because makeup can hide the imperfections of the neck. Use a dark shade foundation on the neck to minimize the negative effects. Too long. To make the neck look smaller, use a lighter shade of foundation and wear big bangles.
If the neck is thick, the way to make it look thinner is to apply a lighter foundation on the front and a darker foundation on both sides of the neck, this way the neck will appear slimmer.
Do not allow excess flesh and fat to accumulate on your neck. Make sure to massage it with cold cream once a week or use coconut oil for massage. While massaging, move your hands from bottom to top.
Dry skin. This process is very useful. Social Media

Below is information about some useful and important exercises, which are of great help in making the neck shapely and strong. reading in Urdu
Stand straight and place your hands on your waist. Roll your neck around. First to the left side then to the right side. This will create flexibility in the neck.
Move your jaw inward, then return to the first position. This exercise will put pressure on the neck and this pressure will keep the neck muscles from getting fat.
Before taking the ghusl, say the English letters “A” and “O” ten times.
Thus, the texture of your cheeks and your neck will be well affected by this movement of the lips and they will look beautiful and attractive. The Neck Wants Attention
Breathe in and out in a whistling pattern. Stand up straight and move your neck back and forth.
Sit on the floor and spread your legs apart and bend over and rest your palms on the floor. Sit in such a way that you are not uncomfortable and feel comfortable. Move your head to the left or right as far as possible. , then bring it forward. Repeat this process several times. Then move the head to the left, this process will create flexibility in the neck. Remember, a flexible neck sounds great.
Beauty is not only about the face
Beauty is not only related to the face, proper care of hands and feet is also included in the requirements of beauty.

Shaheen Wali Shad

Usually, we pay special attention to face care, but hands and feet are neglected. Although beauty is not only related to the face, proper care of hands and feet is also included in the requirements of beauty. Since hands are used more than other parts of the body, their care also requires special attention.
Then massage from the fingers to the nails and finally the palm for at least five minutes. Similarly, for the feet, take warm water in a tub and add a small amount of glycerin, and immerse both feet in the tub for ten minutes. Then take it out and dry it and apply petroleum jelly. Discard the water and take warm water again in the same tub, add a few drops of shampoo, Dettol, and alum, and dip your feet in it. Rub well and wash and dry. Finally, apply a cream or lotion.
For rough and dull hands
Women who move from one city to another are often seen expressing concern over the sudden changes in their skin.
Women who relocate frequently seem to exhibit worry due to the abrupt changes in their complexion. There is no need to fret too much about this because climate changes can sometimes cause this. Women with sensitive skin should use soaps that contain only a little amount of caustic soda and natural ingredients because their hands are prone to becoming dry, rough, and lackluster very fast. Incorporate oils. When washing dishes and other tasks, women should wear rubber gloves.
Dead skin cell removal is a highly healthy process for the skin.
Ladies whose skin has grown extremely harsh as a result of climate change could prepare a paste by blending 1/4 cup of raw papaya with 2 teaspoons of honey and a dash of sugar. After massaging it on your hands for a while, apply warm milk and continue massaging for an additional five minutes before washing them with cold water.

After drying your hands, take a small amount of olive and almond oil and apply it to your hands. Your hands will become softer, smoother, and more absorbent as a result of this treatment.

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