Creatures — UFOs | Aliens | About Aliens


Creatures — UFOs Aliens | About Aliens

creatures-ufos-aliens-about-aliens, Thanks to God that the Pakistani nation keeps getting scientific topics one after another. When the eyes start to hurt after seeing political, mostly military, religious, and romantic news, then some space news comes as rain. Sometimes the James Webb Telescope is manipulated, sometimes the Eid moon comes into our naga, and sometimes something else.

As you know, two countries in the world are very famous for space creatures: America and Pakistan. That’s what we have to cover today.

Oh no, we are really talking about aliens that come from who knows where and are heavily armed. Often, she even picks up.

I think my position is not clear. Let’s start writing, things will unfold themselves. May Allah protect me.

The date is January 27, 2021. PIA Flight 304 took off from Karachi to Lahore. Hours later, Captain Faisal Qureshi and First Officer Captain Talha, sitting in the cockpit of the plane between Multan and Sialkot, spotted an unknown white object upwards in the windscreen. The ship was at an altitude of 35,000 feet, so it would rise another two or three thousand feet.

Both pilots reported “Foo Fighter” to airport control centers. Fu-fighter is a special term in shipping that dates back to World War II. Whenever fighter pilots saw an unknown object in the sky, they called it a Foo Fighter. The same term is still in use today, so control centers quickly know exactly where the pilots are pointing.

During this communication, First Officer Talha started making a video of the unknown object with his phone. During the video, the two captains discussed options as to what it could be. He rejected every option himself because he knew everything well based on his experiences. This thing was none of them. No drones, no civil or warships, no weather balloons (my personal guess was that but the pilots themselves are in denial). There was also a nasty swear word thrown during the video, wow.

After the Lahore landing, Captain Talha released that video on social media. At first, it was circulating in public, then it came to news pages, shared YouTube channels, and even reached international channels.

And you already know Pakistani YouTubers. He explained those philosophies that if the space creatures have shame and modesty, they will never come to Pakistan again.

Anyway, whatever that thing was, it went somewhere. If it was a normal object, even friends with binocular eyes on the surface of the earth would have seen it. Only one testimony has been received from Chishtian in this regard. Shaheed has shared some funny photos with the Lahore Astronomical Society. Nothing clear. Images may be photoshopped. We keep meeting such martyrs on the occasion of every Eid al-Fitr. If NASA deliberately announces the expected arrival of a non-existent space rock, our martyrs will also show photos of it.

Creatures — UFOs | Aliens | About Aliens

Now we come to the interpretation.

In the year 2020, the American Pentagon also officially released three videos, in which a flying saucer-type object sometimes hovered above the clouds for fun, and sometimes started moving left and right. US Navy fighter jets captured it with professional onboard cameras. These are the cameras with the help of which the target is targeted. The fighter pilots also kept saying the same thing, what the heck is this, they don’t understand.

Brothers and their sisters! You know that aliens are very popular in America too. Things have gotten to the point that there is a place called UFO Watch Tower in the state of Colorado where extraterrestrials are believed to land frequently. Therefore, restaurants, parks, guest houses, etc. have been built there keeping in mind the tastes of space tourists. If you are a space creature, you must go there.

It is also known about Area 51 that the US government has kept alien pals inside this restricted area like a space zoo. Is it known that there are also aliens in space? There will be other space animals too. We as Muslims would like to eat them, maybe they are space mutton, space beef, and space chicken and maybe they are delicious.

Moreover, most of the questions American scientists receive are related to extraterrestrials. This rumor was mainly started by scientists. From Frank Drake’s ‘Extraterrestrial Equation’ to Carl Sagan and other scientists, many theories were put forward that concluded that extraterrestrials must exist. If we exist on one planet of a star of a galaxy in the universe, then some of the trillions of planets in the remaining 2 billion galaxies will also exist on some planets, and may be more advanced than us and travel from galaxy to galaxy. have been and traveling from galaxy to galaxy. And this will happen because, according to the scientific Copernican principle, if an event happens in one place, the same event must happen elsewhere. There is a confirmed testimony i.e us on planet earth.

For decades, American scientists have been searching for alien communication signals from space using giant dish antennas. One project is called SETI. In this regard, large radio wave dish antennas are installed in the rest of the world, which are tuned to each frequency.

However, in the last hundred years, radio and television broadcasting by man has reached 100 light years in each direction. Most visible stars in the sky are within 100 light years. If there is an intelligent life like us on a planet in the nearest five to ten thousand stars, they will detect our signals. The problem is that those alien beings may not think we are intelligent, so they are not officially communicating openly. Poverty has to sneak into America. However, they continue to fall prey to dubious and inferior cameras, avoiding high-quality cameras. creatures-ufos-aliens-about-aliens

In addition to radio and television, our spaceships often carry messages for aliens, such as the location of the solar system on a gold plate with the bodies of voyagers and pioneers, the location of Earth, the naked human body (both miles & miles), At the push of a button, human speech, animal and bird sounds and similar information are available. I don’t know if aliens will be able to use these systems or not.

Thus, the American people thought that when our scientists are taking alien beings so seriously, they must really exist. The public thought that whatever “proof” the scientists gave, they would be taken for granted. But it was not. Although scientists believe in life in space, they do not believe in these flying saucers.

Creatures — UFOs | Aliens | About Aliens

Since man still wonders about his presence in the universe, moreover, sees himself as alone, the mysteries of life always inspire him. The trouble is that any creatures are so far away, not even bacteria have been discovered on any other planetary body. In order to erase this disappointment, he begins to indulge in all kinds of rumors or illusions. On the contrary, one feels the chashani in religion at the same time when he reads about the external life in it. Among the top movies and Netflix seasons in the world right now, you’ll see some form of life outside of the most popular shows. Harnessing human curiosity is the only guarantee of success. Believe me, horror films also stand on the same curiosity.

What do you think, we can’t call giants aliens. Absolutely can say. In other words, some verses of the Holy Qur’an also refer to external life. It is a matter of faith, but the real requirement is of testimony. This article covers this fact. creatures-ufos-aliens-about-aliens. you reading Creatures — UFOs

Since the United States is the world’s military and cultural center in every way, the rest of the world is also very interested in space creatures. But unfortunately, the aliens allegedly landed only in America. Probably now the aliens have realized that apart from America, Pakistan is also a country where aliens are taken very seriously. That is why he has visited Pakistan this time so that we can see who is acting as an alien in our name.

But there is a great twist in all this discussion which is very important to understand. Famous scientists Stephen Hawking, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Machio Cacco say:

★ “Hey guys! Consider the word UFO. It means Unidentified Flying Object. Once it has been said that it is unknown, then the conversation ends here. That is, you want to say that since an object is unknown, it is an alien that has traveled and landed secretly from a distant galaxy. Hey, it’s all unknown, don’t put your theories on it. Until concrete evidence is found, one cannot say anything. All these video records etc. are only showing you that there is a mystery on earth that is beyond comprehension. We are working, please wait. creatures-ufos-aliens-about-aliens. you reading Creatures — UFOs

★ If you are ever captured by an alien, start a live stream from the camera immediately. When an alien starts a sexual experiment, hide something from their flying saucer and give it to a research institute later. Then we will agree. You will also get the Nobel Prize for Astrophysics. If the alien becomes a friend (or best friend), bring it to a large city square. Try not to have a carnival or Halloween party that day because everyone will look like an alien. No one will even recognize your alien.

★ The public needs to learn a scientific attitude. Learn to enjoy the mysteries the universe presents instead of panicking.”

Meanwhile, the funniest reactions were seen from Pakistani influencers and YouTubers. God forbid, a YouTuber was hell-bent on proving our pilots’ space aliens and was releasing back-to-back episodes. Some YouTubers refer to it as “Jin”. The funny thing is that the word “jinn” also means 100% UFO, meaning jinn in Arabic means ‘unintelligible object’. Of course, if the aliens find out about our YouTubers, they will beat their heads.

The bottom line is that UFO doesn’t mean extraterrestrial beings, it means “Menon Mayen patta eh kiay!”… Then wait until there is a conclusive discovery. The cosmic beings we believe in existence are ourselves.
Well, see you in another science talk. Urdu Articles

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