Lightning | lightning strike | lightning voltage

lightning storm

What is lightning and how is it generated?
lightning strike

A lightning strike occurs when a lightning bolt travels from a cloud to the ground. It is one of the most powerful forms of natural energy and can cause serious damage to anything in its path. Lightning is created when electrical charges in the atmosphere become so intense that they produce a spark. Lightning can heat the air around it to temperatures as high as 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit, making it incredibly dangerous. It is important to stay indoors during thunderstorms and pay close attention to weather forecasts to avoid any potential lightning strikes. for Urdu readings


lightning voltage

The average lightning bolt carries an electrical current of 30,000 amps, with a voltage of up to 100 million volts. When you consider that household electricity is typically around 120 volts, you can appreciate the immense power of a lightning bolt.

what causes lightning

Lightning is caused by the buildup of positive and negative electrical charges in the atmosphere. When these two charges come into contact, they release energy in the form of a lightning bolt. This energy can travel through the air and ground, creating a powerful and dangerous discharge.
where does lightning usually strike
Lightning usually strikes tall objects such as trees, buildings, and towers. Lightning also commonly strikes areas with high concentrations of electrical charge in the atmosphere, such as near a large body of water or during a thunderstorm. It’s important to remember to stay inside and away from tall objects during a thunderstorm to avoid being struck by lightning.

thunder strome

lightning facts

  • Here are some interesting facts about lightning:
  • Lightning is three times hotter than the sun’s surface, with temperatures of up to 50,000 Fahrenheit!
  • Lightning can strike the same place twice!
  • Lightning can travel up to 6 miles away from its parent thunderstorm.
  • The average bolt of lightning is only two inches wide but can reach up to five miles in length.
  • The loudest recorded thunderclap was so loud it measured at more than 200 decibels, which is louder than a rocket launch!
  • Light-ning can strike the same place twice, as the Earth’s charge is constantly changing.
  • Light-ning occurs most frequently in the afternoon and evening hours.
  • Light-ning can also be seen in other planets in the solar system, such as Venus and Jupiter.
  • Benjamin Franklin was the first to suggest that lightning was electrical in nature.

A simple way to stay safe from lightning

Light-ning actually occurs when clouds and strong winds rub against each other. In lightning, there are millions of volts and millions of amperes of current, which fall on the ground in two ways. The person or thing that is the highest according to the place, the lightning falls on them and goes to the ground.

According to scientists, there is a positive or negative charge on the earth, so lightning also moves towards this charge and goes into the earth. Due to the high voltage, light-ning ionizes the air in its path, which Because of this, can travel through the air. Continuously rising temperatures are the biggest threat to Earth’s environment. Environmentalists say that the increase in the temperature of the earth is a natural disaster.

When Alexander the Great came to conquer India in BC, King Samrat Parmanand Katuch of Punjab and Kashmir, nicknamed “Rajapuras”, blocked Alexander’s path on the banks of river Jhelum and in the month of June, the decisive battle called ” The battle of Jhelum is said to have been fought!
The number of Alexander’s army was one hundred and twenty thousand, including twenty-five thousand horsemen, because after the conquest of Persia (Iran), his military strength increased enormously, and his army, which was fifty thousand at the time of the invasion of Persia. Now the army of Porus was more than 100,000 in comparison with only 30,000, including 10,000 elephants, 3,000 bullock carts, and 4,000 horsemen, which were divided into two divisions of 2,000 each. was so that they attack the enemy from both the right and left sides!

European historians made this false propaganda that Alexander won this war and forgave Porus, but the truth is the opposite, not only Alexander suffered a crushing defeat in this war, but after this defeat, his army was so changed that Alexander Had to go back to Greece!

The main reason for Alexander’s defeat in this battle was that the river Jhelum was flooded due to the monsoon rains in the month of June and since Alexander’s army was on foot or on horseback, it was badly trapped in this flood and they were defeated. A lot of supplies and weapons were washed away in the river, while most of the Persian army was mounted on elephants, elephants, being natural swimmers, were safe, and above all, the sight of elephants frightened the horses. Due to this, it became difficult to control them!

Alexander also placed spikes on the ground to injure the feet of the elephants, but this trick also did not work because the ground was muddy and slippery due to heavy rains.
Alexander was also depressed when he saw the 7 feet tall Porus sitting on a giant elephant, he thought that this is not an ordinary person but this is a god who is impossible to defeat!
It proved to be a very bloody and deadly battle in which forty thousand soldiers of Alexander’s army were killed or drowned in the river and in addition, five thousand horses of his army were killed or drowned while the army of Porus Two thousand soldiers was killed and seven hundred elephants were killed by spears!
When Alexander saw the Hindus burning the pyres of their dead for the first time in his life, he too ordered the bodies of his dead soldiers to be burnt.

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